As part of our ongoing initiative to invite Indiana State Representatives, Senators and Congressmen to Crossroads Industrial Services, a Division of Easter Seals Crossroads, to inform and engage their support for increasing business development and more employment for persons with disabilities, we had a visit from State Representative Donna Schaibley, District 24, on Thursday, September 3rd. Rep. Schaibley learned about our business at a Carmel Rotary Club meeting in August where Curtiss Quirin, COO of Crossroads Industrial Services, was giving a business presentation on manufacturing solutions. As a result, she asked if she could visit us to see what great things we’re doing at Crossroads Industrial Services. Rep. Schaibley was very interested in the numerous jobs that we provide for persons with disabilities through our contract manufacturing services, document services, and order fulfillment services, just to name a few. She was also able to speak with several of our employees and saw what a great job they were doing.

Pictured from left to right are: Anne Traub – Human Resources Manager, Indiana State Rep. Donna Schaibley, and Curtiss Quirin – COO of Crossroads Industrial Services.

Pictured from left to right are: Rep. Donna Schaibley, Curtiss Quirin, and Tyler Wagner, employee

Rep. Donna Schaibley and Claire Strahan, employee
We really appreciated Rep. Schaibley’s interest and enthusiasm for what we do at Crossroads Industrial Services and she will prove to be a great advocate in the Indiana House of Representatives for supporting more employment for persons with disabilities.