Document Scanning
Document Scanning for Paper Record Storage
Crossroads Industrial Services’ Document Services division offers comprehensive document management solutions. Utilizing services to convert all types of documents into digital format provides customers an affordable, easy-to-access and secure archiving alternative to paper record storage.
Why Document Scanning?
Document scanning increases accessibility to the vital and historical information necessary for a business to own and archive. Our services meet the increasing privacy and data retention regulations, as well as helping a business achieve a higher level of security for information by storing it safely in digital format or on the cloud. Digital files help organizations reduce the need for physical storage space by clearing out the paper.
Equipment and Capabilities
Document Services offers high-speed production scanners with high-output capacity, as well as large-format production scanners with high-volume capability. Staff provide professional imaging, OCR and indexing software, microfilm and microfiche capabilities, indexing, data entry and conversion to multiple file formats.
Our facility provides secure, limited access to information while in our possession with an audit trail. Our employees are HIPPA trained and compliant in knowing how to keep data safe.
Document Services at Crossroads Industrial Services is a competitive social enterprise division of Easterseals Crossroads. Up to 75% of our workforce consists of individuals with disabilities who are paid market wages. The division in turn supports services offered through Easterseals Crossroads for people with disabilities right in our own community.
Meet Caitlin Haflett – Document Scanning Employee
Caitlin received employment services through Easterseals Crossroads and is employed as a document scanner at Crossroads Industrial Services. When Caitlin interviewed for her position with Crista McIntosh, Document Services Manager, Crossroads Industrial Services, she was nervous during her interview. Because Crista had 14 years of experience working for employment solutions for people with disabilities, she saw beyond the nervousness and felt that Caitlin had the potential to be a valuable employee. Caitlin began as an intern where she truly excelled at the detail and precision needed for the position. She has been an amazing employee ever since.
Caitlin has strong family support, a great work ethic, fabulous attendance and stellar job performance. Her attention to detail and her completed work are virtually error free. In fact, Caitlin is most often utilized to complete a final check on other employee’s work before delivering to customers.
Caitlin was heavily involved in the quality control process for the Digitize Indy Project that Crossroads Document Services completed for the Indianapolis Public Library. She personally verified quality control over 60,000 images for the Shortridge High School Daily Echo collection (Kurt Vonnegut & Senator Richard Lugar are former editors).
To learn more about how your business can benefit from document scanning services, contact us today. Our team is ready to provide the quality work that your business expects and deserves.
Stay Grateful
Easterseals Crossroads has been a constant in the Indianapolis landscape for over 80 years; Crossroads Industrial Services is a division of Easterseals Crossroads, which was established by a small group of parents to meet the needs of their children with disabilities. Today Easterseals Crossroads offers an expansive variety of programs and services specifically designed to meet the needs of persons with disabilities throughout the life span. Our services touch the lives of over 88,000 individuals; we are the “go to” resource for people of all ages, regardless of disability. That will not change.
Throughout our history, we’ve adapted our approach whenever the needs of people with disabilities have changed; with COVID-19, we have felt drastic changes within a matter of a few weeks. This pandemic has created upheaval for our community and those we serve.
- People who depend on our in-facility services such as adult day, early childhood programs and respite are temporarily struggling to make their days meaningful.
- People with autism who often depend on routine and stability as a framework for successfully achieving their goals have had their worlds turned upside down.
- Families of children with disabilities who rely on therapy services for continued healthy development are at a loss.
- Homeless veterans and job seekers with disabilities are finding it almost impossible to find employment and/or maintain current employment.
Now more than ever, Easterseals Crossroads is needed in this community. But we have been affected; we are facing challenges ourselves. Our staff does not have access to the traditional means of delivering services and are learning new ways through technology. Like many other nonprofits, our organization is taking a significant financial hit as we continue to support our employees so that they can be there for the people who need us.
- Our therapists are rapidly adapting to the provision of telehealth as a temporary solution for physical, occupational and speech therapy.
- Our direct support staff are providing in-home adult day services so that family members with essential jobs can continue to work.
- Our school to work staff are helping our students with disabilities stay on track for graduation and eventual employment.
Many of you have asked us what we need. It is critical for us to gather our community partners, our donors, our friends and our staff in an effort to continue to be the resource that any one of us could need at any point in our lives. Our world may have changed – and it will continue to change – but our purpose, dedication and adaptability will continue to evolve and respond. You can help!
- You can join in on our social media campaign #StayGrateful. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and share! Let’s share the good news about how we are adapting, staying relevant and thriving.
- If you’re able, you can donate via our website so that our staff can be there for others in this time of need.
- And you can check on your friends and neighbors who have disabilities. Social distancing shouldn’t mean social isolation.
- Thank you for your ongoing support of this organization.
Let’s stay close across the distance, and let’s stay grateful.
COVID-19 Resources
During this extremely challenging time, we are all looking for ways to maintain our health and our mental health. Here our some resources that may be helpful to anyone in our community as we learn to navigate the changes in our daily lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Looking for answers on COVID-19? Please contact Indiana State Department of Health toll-free number at 877-826-0011.
- Indy.Gov https://coronavirus.in.gov/2400.htm and https://coronavirus.in.gov/
- https://www.auntbertha.com/ is a great place to start if you’re in need of emergency food, healthcare, childcare, or income assistance.
- Indy.gov https://www.indy.gov/topic/covid
- United Way has set up a COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund. If you call 1-866-211-9966 and provide the zip code, they will give a list of agencies that will assist with bills, rent and food.
- 211 Indiana Resources for COVID-19 https://in211.communityos.org/COVID-19
- This article gives helpful hints for emergency financial assistance https://www.gofundme.com/c/blog/emergency-financial-assistance?fbclid=IwAR2OK59Polij7Q23YAHui3aZLfdHnB6v9LCORpskwsGTVyZsX3m9sNJZxIw
- Meal packages for IPS families https://myips.org/blog/district/ips-and-gleaners-join-forces-to-feed-students-families/?fbclid=IwAR1GWQmeforjkpUULmhuIKvxr9UEeNy-s43o9gD7L_KdrKV7UPBBKI9_LaY
- Marion County residents can download the Community Compass app on their smartphone, or text “hi” to 317-434-3758. Community Compass will help families locate and connect with food assistance resources https://www.indyhunger.org/compass/
- The Martin Luther King Community Center is offering lunch assistance for neighborhood families. They are also accepting applications for their childcare programs, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis as their capacity allows. Please contact the MLK Center at 317-923-4581 for further details.
- Food assistance availability map https://www.in.gov/fssa/dfr/5768.htm
- UndocuHoosiers’ Resource List https://undocumented.btown-in.org/community-resources/
- Undocumented Hoosier Support Fund. If you would like to request support, please email at undocuhoosierfund@gmail.com or call 317-205-6424 or 574-226-3508.
- La Casa de Amistad www.lacasadeamistad.org or 574-233-2120
- Hancock County Humane Society is offering pet food assistance on Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Humane Society https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/coronavirus-covid-19-faq#help
- The Indy Learning Team created a story spot for elementary students. You can find more on their website www.theindylearningteam.org or by subscribing to their you tube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LgjjEm5LK5b4TId_vcBJw
- Indy with Kids is live-streaming fun and educational playdates every weekday. Visit https://www.facebook.com/watch/indywithkids/ to tune in or stream past playdates.
- While all branches of the Indianapolis Public Library are closed through April 5th, there are still many online resources available to you and your family if you have a library card. Visit their website to download and stream music, video, audiobooks, comics, magazines, and e-books https://www.indypl.org/books-movies-music/download-stream?fbclid=IwAR16qYcTRowqjW8dE5gJJXi-TDg3DF8-R1-GXh21cP0JSXeuO3YFADLf5A4
- 125 things to do with kids https://parade.com/1009774/stephanieosmanski/things-to-do-with-kids-during-coronavirus-quarantine/
- Take a virtual museum trip https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr057.shtml
- 25 ways to get moving at home https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/getting-active/25-ways-to-get-moving-at-home-infographic
- Scholastic https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html
- Free YMCA fitness videos https://ymca360.org/
- Ten Percent Happier offers mental health resources in the form of meditation and mindfulness practices through their app and website. They have several free podcasts, guided meditations, and livestreams available in their Coronavirus Sanity Guide linked below. https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide
- Mental Health is especially critical during this time of social distancing. If you are in crisis, text MHA to 741741 to reach a trained Crisis Counselor 24/7.
- Indiana Legal Services https://www.indianalegalservices.org/covid19response
- Legal Service Providers https://indianalegalhelp.org/district-g/
- The Arc of Indiana https://www.arcind.org/covid-19-information-and-resources/
- Family Voices of Indiana http://fvindiana.blogspot.com/
- About Special Kids https://www.aboutspecialkids.org/home-page-highlights/healthcare-toolbox/
- Insource http://insource.org/resources/coronavirus-outbreak-information/
- FSSA https://www.in.gov/fssa/5756.htm
- Resources for Hoosiers with Disabilities https://www.in.gov/gpcpd/2731.htm
- Stages Learning Materials Free Language Builder ARIS Resource Kit for families faced with the challenges of educating and engaging their child with autism or other special needs at home
- Autism Society Mental Health and Respite Kit for support during the COVID-19 crisis
- American Psychological Association information on keeping your distance to remain safe
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network Parent Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with COVID-19
COVID-19 Notice
We are revising and updating this message on an as needed basis.
The daily news about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been of utmost importance to us as an agency. We are – and have always been – concerned about the health and safety of those whom we serve and with whom we interact, as well as our staff and community.
Because this is a rapidly evolving situation, we are following the information as it becomes available from our national organization Easterseals and from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We recommend that our staff, consumers and all those who visit our facilities do the same. We are following the guidance from our state and national authorities, as well as our medical director, Chuck Dietzen, MD. As the messaging of these authorities evolves, ours will, too.
It is important to remember that we all play an active role in trying to control this unusual situation. We wholly believe that what we can do together will allow us to overcome this unprecedented pandemic.
At this point, our facilities are open and operating as normal with the following exceptions
- We have suspended rental of our conference spaces to community partners until April 17, at which point we will reassess the situation.
- We have suspended our respite programs including Parents’ Night Out, Parents’ Day Out, CHEER and Teen Night Out until April 17.
- We have postponed our autism support group meetings and awareness series until a later date.
- We have postponed all trainings and conferences scheduled through April 17.
We are doing the following for those individuals and families whom we see in our service areas
- We are utilizing temporal thermometers to check temperatures as individuals enter the building. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be asked to return home and advised to consult with a healthcare professional.
- We are frequently cleaning and disinfecting areas and equipment including computers, toys and therapy items that are commonly used.
- We have reduced the visitors to our facilities by suspending rental of conference room space and suspending tours to new potential consumers.
- We have suspended community outings in those program areas that participate.
- We have suspended volunteer activities in all facilities.
- We are requiring our staff to be keenly aware of their own health and stay home if ill.
Here is what you can do to maintain safety and health if you come to our facilities for appointments
- Stay home if you or any family member has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Stay home if you or a family member is sick or if you are uncomfortable keeping an appointment. Call us and we will reschedule your appointment.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick or who appear sick. This virus is passed by contact or droplets in the air.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as this is how the virus spreads.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Bingo Bonanza 2020
Easterseals Crossroads is proud to once again partner with Century 21 Scheetz to bring an amazing evening of bingo, food and fun to Indianapolis on Friday, February 21, 2020. The fun takes place at Northside Events & Social Club (formerly Northside Knights of Columbus) at 2100 E. 71st Street, Indianapolis. This year we are playing bingo Mardi Gras style; we will have Mardi Gras bling, but you and your group can come in style if inspired!
Tickets are $50 advance sale only and include 3 game cards for each of 7 games, buffet dinner, 2 drink tickets and free water and soda. Due to charity gaming laws, tickets can only be purchased by cash or check (download order form). Tickets are advance sale only; we have a limited amount to sell, so purchase early as we will sell out quickly. Contact AnneMarie Chambers if you have any questions about Bingo Bonanza.
Gather a group or gather a few friends and download your order form today! You really don’t want to miss the fun! (Festival License 000834)

Amazing Happens at Easterseals Crossroads
For over 80 years, Easterseals Crossroads has been actively engaged in helping individuals with disabilities achieve their greatest levels of independence. Crossroads Industrial Services is a division of Easterseals Crossroads and supports many of the programs and services. Independence is what inspires us, motivates us, drives us; independence is what we celebrate with those who come through our door.
Independence does not happen quickly; it can take many years. It can fluctuate — it can improve — it can decline. Behind every independent moment at Easterseals Crossroads is a team who plans, practices, encourages, guides and celebrates — a team who stands with our families and spends many behind-the-scenes hours in preparation for a moment of independence.
Behind the scenes is where all the good stuff happens. It is where a teenager with autism gets behind the wheel for the first time; the first independent drive can be many months later. It is where a child with cerebral palsy takes her first independent step after years of therapy. It is where a young adult with a learning disability earns his first paycheck after 12 months of looking for that first job.
It takes a community to support our behind-the-scenes work. We rely heavily on our devoted staff who share our mission to make profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day. In addition to our staff, we cannot thrive without our partners, sponsors, advocates, volunteers, supporters and donors. We cannot do what we do without support from people who know that independence takes work, time, and money; people who know that community support is what enables Easterseals Crossroads to do what it does best.
Donations help us assist children and adults achieve milestones in independence. Your contribution supports our mission to promote inclusion, independence and dignity for the many people whose lives are affected by disability or special needs.
Your donation made now through December 31 is matched through the generosity of a matching gift sponsor. Donate today and double the impact of your gift!
Watch our video! Read our annual report! Donate today!